Fasting is the cure

Fasting is the cure!

A self-love internal healing journey

A self-love internal healing journey

A self-love internal healing journey
I love me

Hello and welcome to the start of your self-love internal healing journey. We are living in a time where we are given two choices evolve or fall. This means adopting a high-frequency lifestyle so mental health can not take over your mind. Our cells are made of energy which can not be created by man nor destroyed. This means your spirit has been here before and your purpose is to train your spirit on this battlefield we call life.

The mind is a powerful thing

The mind is powerful fasting heals it

As a Natural Health Consultant, my job is to help you to become the best version of yourself mentally, physically, and spiritually. This is why I chose a self-love internal healing journey. The subliminal mind can be your friend or your worst enemy allow me to introduce you so you can get a hold of your thoughts.

You vs You

Its you vs you beautiful women. Time to heal.

Competition should always be with yourself and not against anyone else. Your life was given to you to live, nobody else. You have lessons you need to learn that may not be lessons those you love need to learn. Sometimes you have to branch off and decide to work on yourself.

When you improve “self” to benefit yourself it naturally reflects on those you love. This is not a selfish journey but a necessary one to heal from life traumas, defeat addictions, control negative emotions, heal from within, and become the person you know you should be. You know the person you were before life touched you inappropriately.

The Body is A Temple for God’s Spirit

The body is a well-built machine better known as “The Temple for God’s Spirit.” Once you understand as a woman you are “The Garden of Eden” or in Hebrew “The Feminine Enclosure of Delight” you will truly understand your greater purpose here. We all have been gifted a spirit that lives on after the dirt body dies and on this journey, we will focus on the nourishment and development of that spirit. You were divinely made and loved beyond words so find your greater self and your greater purpose one day at a time.

My self-love internal healing journey

Take a self love internal healing journey hosted by Shamara Daniels

As a cancer survivor due to the power of this journey if I can do it anybody can. I was the biggest and most depressed I had ever been until I rescued my spirit. The reason I wrote this manual is because as a nurse I felt I was not helping people in the way my spirit wanted me to. This is my way of healing so that I may forgive myself for things I have done being led by my ego “money.” May you too heal from things you have not forgiven yourself for on this journey. May you be filled with understanding and wisdom to support your journey.

Begin your self-love internal healing journey

The ultimate transformation fasting manual for a self love internal healing journey hosted by Shamara Daniels natural health consultant

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