Autophagy is the ultimate cure for cellular distress

The God code in the cells helps us to heal naturally and reverses disease
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A self-love internal healing journey to become the best version of yourself

Disease is a way the medical field tells us the symptoms we have been experiencing have taken over the body.




  1. a disorder of structure or function in a human, animal, or plant, especially one that has a known cause and a distinctive group of symptoms, signs, or anatomical changes.”bacterial meningitis is a rare disease”

Symptoms are how the body communicates with the spirit. The dirt body suffers greatly if the spirit trapped inside you is suffering. We are all made of energy, every cell, tissue, and organ.

The world we live in is as toxic as it gets. When the body has been overloaded with toxins in a certain area you will experience symptoms. We have been taught to shut them up with prescriptions but that is just more toxins. When you allow the body a break from digesting food it goes into what I love to call “healing mode.”

Fasting is the body’s cleaning mechanism.

The longer you fast the cleaner your insides will be. After the first three days, your hunger hormone resets itself. When you fast your body eats damaged cells that have lost the ability to self-terminate on their own. 

Once this takes place the body replaces the damaged cells with brand-new ones reversing the aging process!

When I first started fasting I had no idea what I was actually doing!

As a nurse, I was taught to listen to the doctor and make sure my patient is taking their medications. At that time you could have never got me to listen to someone saying fasting is the actual cure for reversing disease! We really don’t touch much on nutrition and neither do doctors. 

Fasting for my life

Why so many meds?

Needless to say, those same medications many of my patients had no idea why they were taking them in the first place. Many times they would get worse and so the doctor would just switch their medications in hopes another one would work. Trial & error on your body, you sign a consent to be treated. This means whatever the doctor recommends and you agree to is fair game no matter the outcome!

I would get so upset that insurance companies would want patients to try a medication that costs less no matter what just to see if it will work. If it doesn’t work then they will approve the medication the doctor wants to really prescribe. Meanwhile, the people making these decisions have no medical background whatsoever!!

Trust the system they say, well if that was what I did I would be dead right now!

The entire system is corrupt

A doctor giving poison to a patient. On this self love journey we heal internally not with drugs.
Time to give you a host cell so the viruses already living in your body can take over!

I used to have to call these insurance companies and get meds approved by ugly means. I’m not proud of it but I felt bad for my patients and took my job seriously! This is why still today although I myself became a patient still remain true to the world. 

Is there a misunderstanding between treating & curing?

People need to come to terms with the fact that doctors go to school to treat not cure!! If you are trying to cure yourself of something Autophagy is the actual cure for reversing disease!” If you are looking to feel better, learn your own body, lose weight naturally, activate autophagy, and cure things you were told you could not!

I cured myself, not a doctor

I refused chemo and radiation for this reason “It’s what kills, not cancer.” (side effects of chemo and radiation)

After they said cancer-free!

After I cured my cancer I realized the body can heal itself if we just allow it to. I then discovered “The God Code.”

This means you will be giving up the meds once you realize they are prohibiting your healing efforts by confusing the body. Once you have a pill doing the job of a cell or organ it becomes lazy and then weak. Autophagy is the actual cure for reversing disease!

Our bodies give us two choices digestion or healing in our lifetime but never both at the same time. If you are consistently eating you are not allowing your body time for digestion & so healing never takes place.

Digestion is the hardest job our bodies have to do consistently without us thinking about it. If you are interested I wrote an ebook that takes you on a journey from first bite to toilet poo.

On this self love internal healing journey you will learn all about the digestion process. Hosted by Shamara Daniels NHC

Toxic Overload Syndrome

When we eat too much what I call toxic overload takes place in the colon. Meat can sit and fester for days, sending toxic nutrients to every cell in the body causing sickness. Unless you eat your meat raw, it produces deadly toxins that end up in the bloodstream once the meat is cooked.

Heterocyclic amines (HCAs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are chemicals formed when muscle meat, including beef, pork, fish, or poultry, is cooked using high-temperature methods, such as pan frying or grilling directly over an open flame. This causes cancer quickly!

Raw Meat (Click the pic above for my blood-purifying smoothie recipe)

I had to re-educate myself

I went back to school for nutrition and I was blind but now I see!! I see why I got sick, why I was addicted to so many foods, why I could only use 20% of my brain, and why I was so depressed and fatigued all the time…

Without further delay “the cure”

On this self love internal healing journey with Shamara Daniels you will activate The God Code.
Take a self-love internal healing journey with me, Shamara Daniels NHC for women

I wrote it all down in a book for the world to benefit from as well! I also have a podcast to help people who have purchased my book not feel so alone.

Invigorating Miracles LLC podcast taking women on a self love internal healing journey. Shamara Daniels NHC

Due to food being an addiction, you’re going to have good days and bad. Our ancestors fasted naturally when it was normal to have to kill your food before eating it. They ate what was naturally grown in nature in order to provide their bodies with the proper energy to sustain a healthy life. 

I always tell my clients if it doesn’t look like it did on the tree or growing from the ground the body does not recognize it as healing or even nutrient-rich. 

Many of the issues you are faced with today are due to consistently eating dead food to nourish live cells. This damages healthy cells which is the reason autophagy is the cure for reversing disease.

Fasting is essential to life & healing!!

 Yes, indeed our ancestors fasted often. When they were killed the meat was consumed right away. Today it’s kept in stores and painted so that nobody can see how it’s turning brown and sometimes green with cancer! 

Sometimes our ancestors went two to three days without food and the sweetest thing they tasted was berries. This was before Europeans came over with sugar because after that doctors were very much needed!

Berries are a low sugar fruit you will be using for your prescription smoothies. Enjoy them on your self love internal healing journey.
Fruit in a bowl for an antioxidant blast to the cells

Begin your self-love internal healing journey Today.

I’m sure your cells are dying for a good bath to remove all those built-up toxins that have been collecting from the food you eat over the years!

This stops your cells from understanding their mission because “The God Code” is Encrypted due to free radicle damage.

Click the pic to join the self-love internal healing movement. Our life’s purpose is to evolve & your food choices are weighing you down!

Follow my FB page for all things internal healing ladies!

Join the self-love movement group on FB for all the support you need on this journey

Take a self love internal healing journey with Shamara Daniels N.H.C.