“The Value of Authenticity: Investing in Your Best Self”.

Your life should not have a price
A self-love journey cover image

Investing in Your Best Self

Investing in your best self

On this self-love internal healing journey, you will learn that when you have an extreme amount of self-love for yourself eating healthy won’t be an issue. The price of real food will be understandable. The choices you make about what you consume will be the result of your Temple thriving or being torn down. Either way, the only person you can blame is yourself unless, of course, you are being force-fed by gunpoint.

Let’s Talk About This

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Are you really putting a cost on feeling better internally? How can you downgrade yourself in that way? Clearly, we have much work to do in brain retraining.

Shamara Daniels natural health consultant for women
Take a self-love internal healing journey

The cost of nutrients

Invest in your best self by consuming fruits and veggies

People are always so quick to say juicing is too expensive but what about the cost of prescription meds? The weekly doctor appointments, the blood work, the surgeries, the cost of your sanity. 

The debilitating moments that won’t go away the pain that doesn’t come and go but stays. That’s an expensive price to pay. The cost of your physical and mental health is an extremely high price for one to pay. 

The reason real foods are so expensive is because farming takes time & patience. Food-like products are easy to whip up in a lab. The ingredients are so poisonous they’re cheaply made.


Juicing for health benefits is investing in your best self

I would rather use juicing to kill off the cells causing distress. To kill off cancer cells, to heal the organs, to cleanse the tissues, to give my body hydration, to reverse aging cells, to reduce toxicity overload within myself, to cure all man-made diseases sent to destroy my temple.

Inside of fruit are not ingredients but nutrients. The body thrives off this stuff, it’s literally the medicine created for your cells to heal themselves. 

I started juicing about four years ago to detox my body from metals, environmental pollution, lower frequency draining devices, negative energy, stress causing poisons, to kill obese cells, and to kill off remaining cancer cells in my body. 

I noticed my fatigue went away, I was able to focus better, and fat just started melting off my body so I stuck with it of course. If you can do anything for up to 30 days it becomes a habit no matter how long you have been in a vicious cycle. 

Sugar from fruit vs processed sugar which is a drug!

invest in your best life ladies with fruit

So many people are unable to be hydrated with water, the kidneys filter out poisons every day so that is why you have to take medicine on a daily basis, sometimes for life. Which is also very hard on the kidneys so juicing helps them to perform their job much easier. 

Understanding what glucose, fructose and sucrose do internally will be a huge benefit to understanding your doctor’s concerns with blood sugar spikes. Fruit sugar is something the body recognizes as a dopamine rush, a natural one to boost feel-good hormones. 

Sugar can be a drug depending on the source

Sugar is a drug

Processed sugar confuses the body’s cells, tissues, and organs. Tricks them into an unnatural drug-like dopamine rush that spikes blood sugar levels harmfully.

One kills off healthy cells and the other feeds the brain. They are not the same nor were they created equally. One causes addiction, and the other reverses addiction. 

One boosts insulin levels naturally, and the other causes an overdose of insulin continuously causing the pancreas to shut down. The body has a sugar compartment and once it’s full it closes. If too much sugar is consumed it ends up in the bloodstream. 

insulin dependance

Quick recap- one the body recognizes the other it doesn’t.

For example, the most toxic and addictive sugar to consume is high fructose corn syrup.

If you look, it’s in everything. The body does not recognize this and so it begins to produce an over production of insulin to contain it. Insulin is critical for transporting intracellular glucose to insulin-dependent cells and tissues such as the liver, muscle, and fat tissue. 

If the body doesn’t recognize what you are consuming as glucose but as a drug it acts very differently internally. When we juice we remove the fiber. Fiber is not digestible so it’s basically what the stool is made up of as well as some bacteria & toxins. 

Let us discuss fibers’ role

Fiber rich foods

Fiber protects us from damage when our food is traveling throughout the body. When we remove it from fruits and veggies it doesn’t have to go through digestion. This means it can go right to the cells, tissues, and organs in need of its healing powers. This means the body doesn’t have to break anything down, save anything for later, or try to figure out what to do with the ingredients found in the fruit. 

Fruit has a frequency and so does our bodies and optimal health is between about 60-90 MHz, cancer is like 45 which is very low. All diseases mean your frequencies need to be raised.

Doctors go to school to learn about pharmaceutical meds and what side effects these poisons have on the body. 

Prescribing Meds

doctor prescribing medicine

When a doctor is trying to figure out what to prescribe a patient they transition to the trial and error method. Nobody knows what medication is going to react in what way to each person. Some people are suffering from kidney disease due to this method. 

Science never stops amazing me because it lacks empathy. It’s like an A.I. making choices for people, they lack empathy as well. The world is very backward. So since there is so much natural sugar and electrical energy in the fruit it boosts brain activity. 

Juicing is thy medicine

Juicing to become your best self

On this self-love internal healing journey, I say juice until you feel a health boost. Juice as if your life can begin again because it can. Juice when you are happy and juice even more when you are sad. Juice in the morning and juice in the afternoon. 

Fast as often as you can. If you fall off it’s okay on this journey your knees bounce ladies. We don’t live with regrets we elevate and we don’t look at past mistakes anymore, we focus on the here and now. 

If you are not on this journey yet not sure what the hesitation is for but head on over to my website at www.lovethyselfoffensively.com, get to packing, and join the self-improvement movement. We can look good all day externally but if we are full of poison inside it’s going to reflect and take a toll. 

Self-love is easy when you can see it but it takes strength to change what you can not see which is what is happening on the inside due to really bad health decisions.

My name is Shamara Daniels I’m a natural health consultant for women taking you beautiful ladies on a self-love internal healing journey. Join me today!

Shamara Daniels natural health consultant for women

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