Fasting is the cure

Fasting is the cure!

Fresh juices to reverse mental health

Boost Your Mental Well-Being: Harness the Power of Fresh Juice!

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Boost your mental well-being by harnessing the power of fresh juice

The truth is the only way to reverse the brainwashing done to all Americans by Western Medicine is by researching for yourself!

This is an image of Shamara Daniels Natural Health Consultant. Owner of Invigorating Miracles LLC Fasting is the cure. Fresh juice contains vitamins.
knowledge is powerful

Every day someone you know is sick or dying so maybe their advice is not the best to follow just a random thought, don’t mind me.

Suicides are increasing & so are the “depression prescriptions” being prescribed by doctors. A form of a bandage. Under the bandage, the wounds are infected because we all know wounds need to be kept clean, dry, and exposed to air for faster healing.

Doctors don’t cure because mother nature does that, the circle of life is set up to work in a specific way. Just because society has changed, the way our bodies heal themselves has not.

Juicing is how we are made to cure ourselves from toxins attacking our body causing sickness! Juicing will cleanse the toxins built up on cells like coke cleans the rust out of a toilet.

Find a juice to create based on the symptoms you have been experiencing, and have fun, there are no horrible side effects!! To make it even more exciting throw a self-love detox party to help others who want to be healthy too!

Lose weight fast with autophagy

Ready to begin your juicing therapy to reverse mental health?

Beet Juice to Reverse Mental Health

Beet juice reverses mental health symptoms
Fresh Beet Juice

Juice the tops as well, they contain more nutrients than the beet itself. The tops contain a form of iron that is easily absorbed by the body. 

  • Treats menstrual irregularities as well as menopause symptoms
  • Helps to strengthen the immune system, detox the kidneys, liver, and gallbladder
  • Useful in treating anemia & liver disorders
  • Reverses mental health

Brussel Sprout Juice to Reverse Mental Health

Brussel sprout juice reverses mental health symptoms
The taste is surprisingly not so bad, use a little agave
  • Treat diabetes
  • Protect against certain cancers
  • Contains calcium, potassium, phosphorus, folate, vitamins A & C
  • Boost immune system Killer T cells
  • Reverses mental health

Cabbage Juice to Reverse Mental Health

Cabbage juice reverses mental health symptoms
  • Heals duodenal ulcers
  • High in calcium, vitamin C, sulfur, vitamin A
  • Helps with eczema, seborrhea, and infection
  • Contains methyl methionine sulfonium chloride which is vitamin U
  • Reverses mental health

Carrot juice to reverse mental health

Carrot juice reverses mental heath symptoms
Fresh carrot juice
  • Beta-carotene which treats many cancers
  • Great source of minerals
  • Contains vitamins A, B, & C
  • Helpful in treating diarrhea, intestinal infections, and other disorders as well as protecting the body from macular degeneration
  • Increases energy naturally
  • Reverses mental health

Celery juice to reverse mental health

Celery juice for mental health
Image of fresh celery juice
  • Excellent source of B vitamins as well as A, C, & E, magnesium, and potassium
  • Helps regulate body temp., aids in the elimination of carbon dioxide from the body, helps arthritis pain, & aids in weight loss
  • Nourishes the adrenal glands to help with stress, combats dizziness and headaches, and aids in digestion
  • Reverses mental health

Cucumber Juice to Reverse Mental Health

Cucumber juice to reverse mental health
Fresh cucumber juice
  • Best known diuretic
  • Great for the spleen, stomach, and large intestine
  • Blood cleaner
  • Treats acne
  • Contains an abundance of potassium
  • Reverses mental health

Dandelion-Green Juice to Reverse Mental Health

Dandelion green juice
Dandelion Green Juice
  • Abundant in potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, chlorophyll, and sodium
  • The best source of organic magnesium
  • Helps the body build healthy cells & tissue, especially the lungs
  • Used as a blood cleanser and liver rejuvenator
  • Helpful in balancing stomach acidity, strengthening the skeletal system, and building blood
  • Reverses mental health

Parsley Juice to Reverse Mental Health

Parsley juice to reverse mental health
Parsley Juice
  • Rich source of vitamin C, beta-carotene, and folate all nutrients that protect against cancer
  • Treats conditions of the kidney and bladder
  • Assists in regulating the functions of the adrenal glands and thyroid
  • Strengthens and supports capillaries & arteriosclerosis
  • Beneficial in the treatment of eyes and optic nerve system
  • Always use little as it is a concentrated herb so mix with other veggies before juicing
  • Reverses mental health

Potato Juice to Reverse Mental Health

potato juice to reverse mental health
Fresh potato juice
  • A potassium cocktail making it a great heart tonic
  • Full of quickly absorbing organic vitamins & minerals
  • Helps the body regenerate healthy cells and tissues
  • Cleanses the body and helps to treat gastric disorders
  • Treats acne
  • Reverses mental health

Spinach Juice to Reverse Mental Health

Spinach juice to reverse mental health
Spinach juice
  • Heals & cleanses the intestinal tract
  • Contains high amounts of vitamins C and E, folate, minerals, and other organic compounds
  • Do not consume if you suffer from liver disease, kidney stones, or arthritis due to oxalic acid which interferes with calcium absorption (just eat raw or uncooked)
  • Reverses mental health

Turnip Juice to Reverse Mental Health

Parsley juice to reverse mental health
  • Twice the amount of vitamin C as an orange
  • Contains more calcium than any other veggie
  • The root helps the body eliminate uric acid preventing kidney stones and gout
  • Aids in weight loss
  • The Juice from the root has expectorant powers and can be used to treat bronchitis and sinusitis
  • Reverses mental health

Watercress Juice to Reverse Mental Health

Fresh watercress juice to reverse mental health
  • Used as a digestive aid
  • Contains high levels of nutrients to be used sparingly
  • Calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, and vitamins A & C
  • A powerful intestinal cleaner that helps oxygenate the blood as well as stimulate the formation of red blood cells
  • High sulfur content helps to kill viruses and maintain healthy hair, nails, skin, & bones
  • Great for people with asthma and emphysema
  • Acid forming so use in combination with highly alkaline veggies such as celery and carrots
  • Reverses mental health

Apple Juice to Reverse Mental Health

Apple juice to reverse mental health
  • High mineral content, antioxidants, fiber, potassium & more
  • Contains malic acid which plays an important role in normalizing the intestines
  • Detoxifies the body and treats muscle disorders
  • Lowers cholesterol aids in liver function, & reduces inflammation
  • Treats colds, bronchitis, and other viral infections
  • Reverses mental health

Cantaloupe and Honeydew melon juice to reverse mental health

Cantaloupe and honeydew melon juice to reverse mental health
cantaloupe & honeydew melon juice
  • Excellent source of beta-carotene which protects against cancer, and poor night vision
  • Improves memory
  • Loaded with potassium
  • Contains adenosine which is an anticoagulant thinning out the blood lowering your chance of a stroke & heart attack
  • Reverses mental health

Grape Juice to Reverse Mental Health

Grape juice to reverse mental health
Fresh grape juice
  • Red grapes contain the highest levels of potassium
  • Contains phytochemicals that act as antioxidants helping to protect against cancer
  • Purple grape juice has anticlotting effects stronger than aspirin
  • Reverses mental health

Grapefruit Juice to Reverse Mental Health

Grapefruit juice to reverse mental health
Fresh grapefruit juice
  • Due to its high vitamin C content, it’s great at fighting cancer
  • The white membrane contains galacturonic acid which lowers cholesterol by removing plaque from artery walls
  • Do not drink this juice if you take medications so speak with your doctor first as it can increase the absorbancy rate in which meds hit the bloodstream
  • Reverses mental health

Lemon Juice to Reverse Mental Health

Lemon juice to reverse mental health symptoms
Fresh lemon juice
  • Due to its antibacterial properties, it’s great for cleansing the system and purifying the bloodstream
  • If taken first thing in the morning diluted with water it acts as an antacid
  • Replace your toxic cleaning products with lemon juice
  • If you have an ulcer avoid drinking lemon juice 
  • Reverses mental health

Orange Juice to Reverse Mental Health

Orange juice to reverse mental health symptoms
Fresh orange juice
  • When the white parts are still intact this beverage due to its high amounts of antioxidants as well as phytochemicals fights cancer, strengthens capillaries, and has antiviral properties
  • Reverses mental health

Papaya Juice to Reverse Mental Health

Papaya juice to reverse mental health symptoms
  • Excellent source of vitamin C and beta-carotene
  • Contains a wealth of proteolytic enzymes which enable the body to digest protein
  • Improves digestion, heals ulcers, stimulates the pancreas to produce insulin, and plays an important role in male fertility
  • Reverses mental health

If you knew all this great I pray you learned at least one new thing.

Juice therapy reverses mental health
Best juices to reverse mental health Pinterest pin

For those who are lost when it comes to juicing therapy to flush out millions of toxins, I am here for you. I understand some people like to go at their own pace so feel free to purchase my self-love journey ebook course.

Life’s Purpose

Life has a purpose and it’s for you to discover who you truly are. You’ve been here many times. We are spiritual energy that can not be created nor destroyed by man.

Our ego stops us from excelling in life spiritually. The ego will cause jealousy, hate, envy, greed, etc. Living with these feelings causes us to make selfish decisions and treat others badly. This leads to sickness and mental health.

Check out my self-love website where you can learn how to tap into your spiritual side, reverse sickness & disease, and lose weight naturally!

Discover your purpose on your own and stop letting others tell you what makes you happy or who you are!

Disclaimer: what helps one person may not be the same for you. Some people are taking medications, others have had surgeries, so be smart about starting juicing therapy. Do not attempt to do this alone.

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What is juicing?

Juicing is one of the most powerful healing tools available. Fresh is always best! Live juices supply the body with the concentrated nutrients and enzymes needed for the nourishment and regeneration of the body’s cells, tissues, glands, and organs. There have been plenty of people who have reversed degenerative diseases just by using juice therapy.

Juicing is also a great way to ensure you receive the daily required servings of fruit & veggies daily. Live food is way different than dead food which is what you cook. You see the longer veggies partake in a heating process the loose vital vitamins and minerals the body requires to perform daily tasks.

When you extract juice from fruits and veggies leaving behind the pulp; the fiber will be completely lost so you will need to include other sources of fiber in replacement. Fiber is what protects the body from tears and scrapes as food and nutrients travel along in the digestive process. You will need to still provide the body with this protection even though you are juicing.

What happens to the fiber?

The great news is since the fiber will not escort the juice in digestion the body will be able to utilize the nutrients, enzymes, and phytochemicals right away without delay! The body’s rapid absorption of these raw juices will quickly provide cells and tissues with the nutrients they need to repair themselves, thus reversing the aging process. 

When fasting or speed healing with juicing therapy you should try to consume at least four 8 oz. glasses daily. This will aid the body in ridding itself of toxins rapidly while replenishing the cells with what they need for rejuvenation.

Choosing a juicer

There are a variety of juicing machines on the market today ranging in different promises and prices. Whatever you decide to spend is completely your preference but it all falls down to three basic types. 

Centrifugal Juicers 

This is a great juicer for a self love internal healing journey with Shamara Daniels N.H.C.

essentially cut the fruit & veggies fed into them into smaller pieces and spin them in the basket at high speeds. This separates the juice from the pulp. The way these work a certain amount of oxygen is introduced into the final product which compromises the quality of the juice to some extent. If you are to purchase this type of juicer try finding one with a pulp ejector to reduce the need to stop and empty the pulp. 

Masticating juicers

A masticating juicer is great for a self love internal healing journey hosted by Shamara Daniels N.H.C.

Grinds veggies and fruits into a paste, then spins the pulp at high speed, squeezing the juice through a screen at the bottom. The friction involved in the process generates heat. This may have an effect on the overall nutrient content in the final juice.

Triturating, or hydraulic press juicers

On this self love internal healing journey this is the best juicer for weight loss

cut and grind the fruits & veggies, then extract the juice by applying great pressure. This extraction method yields the most juice and also provides juice with the highest nutritional value because the least amount of oxygen is introduced into the final product.

Whatever your final decision will be please keep in mind these very important factors while shopping.

  • A juicer that is easy to clean & operate will likely get the most use out of it
  • Juice quality is important so choose a machine that is going to give you the best quality juice in order to provide the body with the most beneficial nutrients to perform its job
  • A juicer should also extract as much juice as possible from each pound of fruit and veggies
  • Purchase a juicer with a warranty because you want something that is not going to have you replacing it every couple of months. You want to be able to depend on your juicer so that you don’t get discouraged during healing or worse just stop

Preparing juices for speed healing

The benefits of juicing are odiously influenced not only by the quality of the equipment you use but also by how you prepare your juice.

Whenever you can you want to purchase organic produce to reduce the toxins you allow into your body. Organic is also more nutritious when it comes to healing capabilities! 

If organic produce is not available it’s important how you prepare your produce

  • Scrub your produce with a natural bristle brush and remove any wilted portions
  • Place your fruits & veggies in a dishpan filled with distilled water & the juice of a fresh lemon. You can also use a few drops of grapefruit seed extract and ¼ cup of salt for every 2 gallons of water used. Soak the produce for ten to fifteen minutes, then rinse the produce in fresh water.
  • Place your fruits and veggies in a dishpan filled with pure water to which 1 tsp of bleach has been added for each gallon of water. Always use chlorine bleach that has not had any lye added to it. Allow your produce to soak for an additional ten minutes, then drain and soak for an additional ten minutes in fresh water. While this method may seem a little odd, it literally destroys virtually all types of germs, chemical residue, and heavy metals. Your veggie colors will even intensify when you use this method. Place produce on a drain board for twenty minutes before juicing. Bleach vaporizes when it comes in contact with air. If you happen to be allergic to chlorine bleach you should purchase organic liquid veggie wash at any health food store to remove the unwanted substances on the produce. ( this way is very safe and is recommended by many physicians).
  • Always follow the manufacturer’s guidelines regarding the chopping and peeling of the fruits and veggies.

Important to remember:

  • Fresh juice should always be consumed as soon as it is made. Light, air, and heat initiate a process of oxidation which causes the juice to lose precious enzymes, vitamins, and minerals the body needs to thrive as well as fight disease.
  • If you find you can not consume all the juice you have made at once keep it as cold as possible without actually freezing it (35 degrees F-38 degrees F). Do not store in a big container for repeated servings. Instead, store the juice in prechilled amber color glass bottles. Fill them to the top as much as possible to prevent any air from coming in contact with the juice and refrigerate quickly. Properly stored juice will maintain its nutritional value for up to 24 hours.
  • If you are on the go store your juice in a temperature-retaining vessel such as a thermos
  • Fruits imported from tropical regions should be peeled before juicing since many countries in such regions of the world do not have protective laws governing the use of potentially carcinogenic chemicals such as fertilizers and pesticides
  • Pits such as those found in peaches, plums, cherries, and apricots should be removed prior to juicing. Seeds from grapes, melons, and citrus fruits are okay to juice: however, apple seeds contain small amounts of cyanide. You should not juice more than one apple with the seeds per day. Remove the seeds if you are juicing more than one apple.
  • Dilute your juices with quality water and sip them slowly. Drink fruit juice in the morning for fast energy delivered right to your cells.
  • Strong flavored veggies such as turnips, rutabaga, broccoli, and onions should always be juiced in small amounts. For example, one turnip would be sufficient per glass of juice.
  • Foods with a high water content such as carrots, cabbage, apples, and grapes, should be the base juice.
  • Leafy greens add many powerful healing elements to juices. Carrot tops and rhubarb greens should be removed before juicing, as they contain toxic compounds. 
  • Juices can be combined to treat specific ailments such as juicing celery, carrots, garlic, and parsley yields a healing drink that treats the flu and other infectious diseases. (parsley is a great source of zinc, garlic acts as a natural antibiotic (1 clove), and both carrots and celery are high in potassium and sodium, these are lost when you have a fever or diarrhea. Carrots also provide lots of natural energy and add a delicious sweet base for many healing combinations.
  • Fruits and veggies are not ordinarily juiced together due to food combination rules. This has increased the amount of food allergies as well as digestive issues in many people. 
  • Apples contain malic acid which is a compound that plays a role in the generation of energy at the cellular level, which is why they are frequently used in many juice combinations
  • Acidic fruits such as citrus fruits are best juiced with other acidic fruits or alone. Grapefruit is both sweet and sour so can be used either way.
  • The essential oil in the peel of oranges and grapefruits contains toxins that make you sick if consumed in large quantities. Lemons are ok but at times may be waxed.
  • Juice the white parts of the fruit because that contains all the vitamin C as well as a high concentration of flavonoids.
  • Herbs can be added to fresh juice combinations to boost the healing powers of the final product. Use fresh herbs such as dandelion greens, fennel, ginger root, and mint. Other herbs such as echinacea and dong quail, are not as readily available fresh and may give the juice a bitter taste. 
  • If you are pregnant, nursing, have a liver or heart disorder, or have high blood pressure please consult with your doctor before consuming herbs

Ready to begin your self-love internal healing journey?

Shamara Daniels natural health consultant is against vaccine use
A self love internal healing journey hosted by Shamara Daniels