Fasting is the cure

Fasting is the cure!

Natural Health Consultant Shamara Daniels, owner of Invigorating Miracles LLC

How to lose weight fast with autophagy

Absolutely Free

Let me tell you my story that leads to me learning how to lose weight fast with autophagy, which lead to my distrust in the medical field!!

Back in 2016, I was diagnosed with a deadly brain tumor known to many as a Glioblastoma. brain tumor

Here I am today in 2022 Still cancer free thanks to the power of fasting & prayer…

At that time I was told I had six months to live. I was on multiple meds which caused me to gain the most weight I have ever gained in my life! I refused chemo and radiation because I know I can live longer without the treatments.

The treatments are what is allowing only a 5-year life span after killing off all the healthy cells as well. If you don’t fast after receiving chemo and radiation it will continue to work in the body attacking what it comes in contact with good or bad!

During this depression time, I was put on every antidepressant, narcotic, anti-inflammatory, etc. known to man!!

Over and over I found myself at the doctor only to be told “there is nothing they can do.” As a nurse I knew the truth, they are only allowed to discuss the options that will keep patients coming back not the ones that will fix their issues. All my life I just wanted to help people but I found myself in a tight situation. I was no longer helping I was assisting in the destruction of these people’s bodies. Many of the medications they were given caused weight gain yet the doctor would say they need to lose weight fast.

The lies they tell & the questions never asked

It reminds me of how trusting a child is toward their parents when they are young because they don’t know evil quite yet. As that child grows and the parents are consistently hurting the child’s feelings, being unsupportive, neglectful, physically abusive, etc. Soon that child will no longer trust anything the parent says or does and may even lose all respect for them altogether.

This is exactly what happened to me…

As a young adult, I was in a toxic relationship so my body was constantly flooding with cortisol.

Learn how to lose weight fast with autophagy by reducing cortisol
Cortisol is helpful until it begins attacking the body!!

When the body is functioning correctly cortisol is great!

Cortisol is the primary stress hormone, it increases sugars (glucose) in the bloodstream, enhances your brain’s use of glucose, and increases the availability of substances that repair tissues.

Cortisol also curbs functions that would be nonessential or harmful in a fight-or-flight situation. For example, cortisol thickens the blood so if you get wounded you don’t bleed out. Doesn’t that sound great and much needed?

Too much of a good thing can kill you!

When cortisol is abused meaning you’re consistently stressing about something you can not do anything about at the time it begins to flood & eventually attack the body! Cortisol causes the body to hold on to fat thinking you are under so much stress you won’t be eating, even if you will.

Some signs your bodies flooded with cortisol are as follows:

  • rapid weight gain mainly in the face, chest, and abdomen contrasted with slender arms and legs
  • a flushed and round face
  • high blood pressure
  • osteoporosis
  • skin changes (bruises and purple stretch marks)
  • muscle weakness.
  • mood swings, which show anxiety, depression, or irritability
  • heart attacks
  • stroke
  • seizures
  • organ damage

If only I knew then what I know now I would have never let them cut me open so many times!!

Lose weight fast with autophagy without surgery
Patient undergoing exploratory surgery

I found myself going to doctor after doctor for answers. Not one asked me about my stress levels, eating habits, or environmental toxins I could have been exposed to. What they did do is see a helpless, sad, lonely, young mother who knew nothing at that time as I had just started my healthcare career. I trusted these people over and over until I had nothing left, literally.

Surgery is big money my friends & that is no secret.

I ended up with my appendix removed then later was told it was my gallbladder so that too was removed. I was also told my body did not need them and it will adjust!

Today, meat, cheese, and dairy makes me so sick because there is nothing to collect the poison from it, it just goes throughout my bloodstream and that is just one example.

My body no longer absorbs nutrients properly because I was in a car accident and they ruptured my spleen during surgery.

My appendix is part of my immune system so I think I needed it!

Undisposable gauze was placed inside me while I was having surgery without my permission come to find out today it causes excessive bleeding. I used to before fasting bleed for 2-3 weeks out of the month.

There I was stitched up, bruised forever & still nothing resolved!

Due to all my exploratory surgeries to see why my stomach always hurt, I ended up with endometriosis and too much scar tissue to keep up with! When I had cancer I was the biggest I had ever been in my life due to all the medications I was on! One made me gain 15 pounds in one month!! That’s crazy!!!

I would find myself waking up with my children’s snacks in the bed…smh You may have heard of it before it is called Seroquel. I am still ashamed and apologize to this day for my actions while on that medication—one time I ordered breakfast, lunch, & dinner for a month from Uber Eats.

Ever been on an Uber Eats binge? “Raises Hand in Shame” “I have!”

hamburger and fries photo lose weigh fast with autophagy by giving up this food
Toxins cause addiction

SMH my kids still talk about my food addiction to this day! Just as any recovering addict will always be an addict the same goes for food. Whatever your weakness you will need to stay away from after fasting such as ice cream, chocolate bars, brownies, etc.

Fasting will help you lose weight fast but returning to the foods that caused the weight gain will put it right back on. I like to call these types of foods non-recognizable because no matter how hard food companies try, the body will never recognize them as nutritious.

These types of non-recognizable meals will put you right back where you started. Fasting will reverse the addiction you have to unhealthy foods until you invite them back into your meal plans.

I can admit I ignored my body language known as “symptoms” for quite some time!

I just like other moms taking care of kids with no support, had to work. I got a couple of FMLAs due to stress “yup” but they only took me so far. I knew stress at that time was the reason for many of my issues so I joined the gym.

I went back to school and learned some holistic wellness techniques that have really helped! Time and time again I complained of headaches and it was dismissed until I was attacked and a brain scan was performed.

My entire life turned upside down & the crazy part psychologically it wasn’t until I was diagnosed I started to really feel sick physically & mentally!

That is when they found it and by then it had made itself at home, I’m talking a fully loaded furnished apartment!! This tumor had signed a lease and started paying rent in my brain!! It was so comfortable I didn’t know it was there and they say it was most likely there for a year!!

My tumor’s new home, crazy right!!

I was passing out a lot by this time, but worked at a busy urgent care clinic and really ignored the symptoms my body was throwing out there. I would use excuses such as “I’m just tired” or it must be the medication.” I was more concerned with my coworkers working short-staffed than going to get a check-up. Today, I have learned to listen & interpret my body’s language.

I have never & I never will again!!!

Once I became a patient I felt used, the hospital I worked for just dismissed me after 12 years. I was the one who ordered supplies for the office, medications, surgical instruments, etc. The doctor would call me on my day off just to ask me questions. Patients requested me by name.

I was ahead of the game in my field. I treated all my patients with the utmost respect and they loved me!! I filled in at other urgent cares when they were short-staffed, and I rescued all the animals during the fire drill (IJS). They were dead wrong for how they treated me!!

Yes, I assisted with surgery so I get it, I could no longer do that particular job but they could have found something for me to do! I was too sick to fight back and they knew it. I lost my job, my house, and my mind so then I developed seizures.

As if I was not going through enough!! The stress was all too overwhelming and my body literally would shut down if I even thought about stressing about a situation.

I seeked & I seeked yet never found not one answer

Not one doctor and I have been to the neurologist, gastrologist, endocrinologist, dermatologist, ob-gyn, family doc, psych doc, etc. All these doctors had one thing in common, they had no idea why I was having seizures.

I knew I had to lose weight fast as well because my husband was struggling to help me get around!

I was told I will have to stop working until they figure it out. Guess what, they never figured it out so I had to start my own business. These people took away all I had of my dignity and left me no way of surviving!! Sounds caring right?

Lose weight fast with autophagy pinterest pin A self-love journey
Lose weight fast with autophagy

Where did my support system go? They all said they would be there!

All the people I thought were my friends vanished and only my immediate family remained. My man & kids. Sometimes I would go check the mail and my man would have to carry me back home. They watched me foam at the mouth and wiggle around the room not sure if I would come out of the seizures. I couldn’t speak after them.

I would wake up in the middle of the night saying “I have to get ready for work.” My family would have to remind me I no longer go to work, then that would upset me and I would have another seizure.

This was an ongoing cycle. My children were not able to come to me with their problems and that hurts to this day. They had to grow up, I even sent my son to live with his dad which destroyed his life. I can’t go back only forward so that is what I do these days.

My family used to live in constant fear of me never being seen again due to memory loss.

Today nobody allows me to go anywhere by myself because there were incidents where I ended up going for a walk and never coming home. Going to the gym and ending up in the hospital. Driving to the store and never coming home.

My family would call around to every hospital until they found me. You see, I used to lose my memory because I’d hit my head so hard falling from a standing position. The meds were just being pushed on me more & more until one day I just said “ENOUGH.”

A hospital encounter changed me & built me back up!

One day I was having a bad seizure and my husband was not home.

My sixteen-year-old and eleven-year-old were the only ones home at the time. 9-1-1 was called and in our home that was a complete NO NO because they don’t recognize these types of seizures as “real.”

How can a medical professional even say that to someone who’s experiencing these seizures 20 times a day?

They were real to me and my family and what was also real was the lack of a soul these people were missing. You can tell they just wanted to do their job and go home. No real passion behind the actions…

True Story…

I was admitted to the ER but due to the seizures, I could not speak, that part of my brain had shut down. I guess they thought I was mentally impaired or something. My leg was in so much pain because of how I was positioned after the seizure but I could not give that information to the doctor.

He kept saying “what is hurting” in a rude voice then pushed my leg as I screamed. He then said ” the right leg” and proceeded to chart. They tried to give me water to wash down a pill but my arms were moving everywhere because that part of my brain shut down as well!

I then hear the nurse telling everyone how my arms are moving all over as my water spills on me, and they all laugh. I was trapped in my mind watching this all and could do or say nothing!!

Shamara Daniels

Every patient has a breaking point “do you hear me?”

Lose weight fast with autophagy and avoid  Medical malpractice
Medical malpractice happens way too often
  • Enough trusting the system
  • Enough being depressed
  • Enough being overweight
  • Enough not being able to leave my bedroom due to poor circulation
  • Enough of being tested on time and time again
  • Enough of never being given a reason or a permanent solution
  • Enough of being uneducated about my own body, mind, & soul
  • Enough feeling sorry for myself because I lost my career job
  • Enough lack of self-love, encouragement, and support
  • Enough of being afraid of change
  • Enough depending on a man to heal me
  • Enough, Enough, Enough, Enough, Enough, Enough, Enough, Enough

Fasting is a cure that’s being researched but rarely discussed.

Autophagy mountains is part of a self love journey
Take a self-love journey

Long story summed up, I fasted “activated autophagy” for 21 days to cure my cancer & it worked!!

I lost all the weight I had been trying to get off for years after having my youngest daughter. I had so much natural energy it was crazy!

My skin was amazingly clear and I could see my “fake 6 pack.” Ok, maybe I’m exaggerating about the six-pack but I could dang near for the first time since I could remember seeing where my 6 pack should be “shoulder shrug.”

I had been trying every diet known to humans to lose weight fast for 6 years and in 3 weeks I was at my goal weight!!!

Doctors were absolutely baffled by the results I was just infested with cancer cells 22 days prior. I remember them asking if they can run additional tests and me thinking “hell no!” I was so afraid because the tests they wanted to perform caused our cells to become disoriented which causes cancer.

Our cells are electrical, each has a transcribed number the creator placed there. A code man could not even imagine coming up with, ever!! This billion-letter code is like a computer code it controls the actions of the cell it lives in just as a computer code controls a webpage and how it interacts when you visit it.

The truth is all you will hear from me, I promise you!

I realized we can no longer place people into categories based on what the studies show. The BMI scale is only accurate for European women because they are the only ones who participated in the study. Many medications that some nationalities can tolerate my people can not.

Sugar turns into a drug once the nutrients are removed.

They are always experimenting with something!! Why can’t they leave nature alone?

Sugar is put into almost all products in the store to prolong shelf life and studies are now showing it is a drug and causes addiction. The same 22 amino acids essential to life are the same letters in the Hebrew aleph-bet.

This is the language of creation!

Clinton discovered it back in 2012 & called it “the god code.” Scientists discovered a billion letter code in our DNA yet nobody is really discussing how this changes the way doctors work. Many think they are gods or science is god and that is not the reality!

These cells have special programming no human can even dream up!

Learn how to lose weight fast with autophagy by learning the god code
The God Code

Each cell is programmed to perform a function to keep you alive and healthy then once they are finished they die off and a new cell is formed. This prevents aging when done correctly. Many years ago our ancestors were living longer lives than we are today for many different reasons.

One, sugar had not come to “The New World” as of yet so there was no need for doctors. The sweetest things the aboriginals “my people” ate were berries. This excited their pleasure hormones but it didn’t kill them off like the food today does!

What would the medical field & the pharmaceutical companies do if nobody needed them anymore??!

Do you realize this means if people understood fasting is what initiates autophagy “self-eating of cells” the medical field would lose so much money!!!

After consistently fasting off and on for years now I went from 50 seizures a day to maybe 1 every couple of months, my periods are no longer painful and only last 6 days, I am no longer obese, and I take no medications so my mental health is gone, I have not had an ulcer or a stomach ache in years, I no longer suffer from acne breakouts, I am no longer a diabetic, I no longer have IBS, and my spleen is beginning to function properly again. You see the body heals itself with each and every fast while allowing you to lose weight fast.

Fasting targets internal fat which is what most people struggle to lose.

My biggest regret is allowing them to take pieces of me out during surgery. The body repairs itself when it does not have to perform the biggest job it’s meant to do, and that is digestion.

Digestion takes time, seriously! It’s a very fascinating journey we’ll discuss later.

Learn how to lose weight fast by understanding digestion.
The digestive system

Digestion is a process we have come too impatient to wait for or shall I say too greedy! One healthy fully course meal could take up to 24-48 hours to go through digestion, then be distributed to the cells of the body via the bloodstream.

If we would just take the time to allow our food to digest many of the issues we go to the doctor for would disappear! Meat can sit in the colon for 5 days just festering in the heat of your body temperature. Food is not meant to sit in the colon for that amount of time.

I have seen more than my share of x-rays where the entire 5 feet of the colon was filled with fecal matter! The colon is that length to allow digestion to take place properly and comfortably not to be stuffed full!!

This seriously affects one’s mood because your body is transporting toxicity to the cells and not nutrients due to the amount of time it took to digest your meal.

The more complicated the meal meaning the more ingredients the harder the body has to work to break it down, transport the nutrients, and remove the waste. When you give digestion a much-needed rest you will lose weight fast.

Cancer & the afterlife

After cancer, I brushed up on my nursing continuing education, recertified my MA license, received a diploma in nutrition, a formulation certification, soap making certificate, and an aromatherapy diploma, and I just enrolled in school to become a natural health consultant.

Today I am obsessed with herbs, and essential oils, and making my own toxic-free products that keep my temple looking & feeling just perfect.

After writing my book so many people complained of the withdrawals experienced during fasting so I created a “Fasting 4 Life Survival Box.”

This box includes aromatherapy products to help with pain, a fasting tea to curb cravings, a spay to curb cravings, relaxation soaks, and sprays for removing negative energy.

I make it for my clients who are doing a 3-day reboot fast.

The withdrawals are due to the food combinations, GMOs, & toxic additives.

I would love to teach you all about it

Western Medicines Rival is Holistic Health

Synthetic vs Natural

The hardest part is getting others to understand why you are fasting. Western Medicine has pretty much brainwashed people into believing they have to eat 3 meals a day plus snacks. I tell people and some listen and have seen some outstanding results while others have not.

My pet peeve is when people want to know your secret but are not willing to accept your answer.

I know one day the world will know but right now I am losing too many of my loved ones to diseases that can be cured! Actually, if we want to get really technical there is no such thing as disease. Either your metabolism is working or it has malfunctioned!!

Metabolism (pronounced: meh-TAB-uh-liz-um) is the chemical reaction in the body’s cells that change food into energy.

Our bodies need this energy to do everything from moving to thinking to growing. If your metabolism stops working properly there is absolutely no way to turn the food you eat into energy to be utilized by the body.

This means it turns into visceral fat “dangerous fat.” When your metabolism is healthy you will lose weight fast no matter what you eat but when it’s sluggish you need to fast.

What are we feeding ourselves? You are what you eat & we’re eating lab-made ingredients!!

Learn how to lose weight fast by activating autophagy and eating healthy food.
Only in the USA can people do this!!

The biggest issue???? Well, GMO of course!

If our bodies are made to ingest certain foods that provide us with the proper nutrition that has been changed.

The products we are eating are not providing us with the proper nutrition because it’s not real meaning nature made! Ingredient lists look like a patient med sheet with all generic medications these days!! Like huh, I can’t even pronounce what I’m eating!!

Learn how to lose weight fast with autophagy by reading labels
What the huh???

We are consuming off-brand food, not nature’s remedies, and the only way to reverse whatever damage it does to your cells is “you have to fast!”

Even people who are purchasing organic food are suffering as well, it’s like you just can’t trust anybody anymore!

Side effects of eating, smh

Fatigue, sore throat, headaches, stomach ulcer, toxic blood, cancer, hypertension, diabetes, asthma, allergies, rash, addiction, foggy brain, obesity, inflammation, mental health, & I can go on!!!

Activating autophagy is necessary in today’s world because the food we consume is shutting down our organs, causing mental health, disease, heart failure, kidney failure, liver failure, obesity, autism, ADHD, & so much more!

Open up your eyes and see what is happening because of a lack of research and a greedy spirit. Like Pirates of the Caribbean, they hunger & thirst but are never satisfied! Our sea life is suffering as well as our land animals. They are cutting the fin off sharks just to charge $500 for some soup, seriously!

Here’s a deep thought! Instead of paying for someone to cut out the fat (surgery) you just fast to lose weight fast internally.

A world of artificial intelligence as well as food.

Gmo food is toxic. Lose weight fast with autophgyby understanding nutrition
Bigger is not Better it’s Harmful & Unnatural!!

GM is a technology that involves inserting DNA into the genome of an organism. To produce a GM plant, new DNA is transferred into plant cells. Usually, the cells are then grown in tissue culture where they develop into plants.

The seeds produced by these plants will inherit the new DNA. Did you just read that?

SMH They inherit the new DNA that man produced for a body that the creator made. Make it make sense…

It’s just like how they are creating babies without males & females. At some point science is great and then you have the destruction, the depression, and the feeling of not belonging because of Science.

An Earth meant to sustain our lives is dying as well due to science. Please hear me when I say I like to think if God was science he sure would not be destroying all the beauty he created like science is today!!

Autophagy, explained as simply as I possibly can explain to you.

autophagy "fasting" lose weight fast
Read my book for more!

The formation of autophagosome, a double-membrane cytoplasmic vesicle that engulfs cellular components. The autophagosome formation starts at phagophore (also known as isolation membrane or sequestering membrane) and requires the conjugation of the microtubule-associated protein, which regulates the phagophore expansion and completion of the sequestering vesicle. The completed autophagosome then fuses with the lysosome, becoming autolysosome. Sequestered components are degraded by lysosomal hydrolases and released into the cytosol by lysosomal efflux permeases. This lysosome-mediated degradation system plays a regulatory role in mammalian cell biology by clearing damaged organelles and recycling autophagy-derived nutrients.

The autophagy induction signal leads to form a sequestering membrane called a phagophore. Following a sequence of ubiquitination-like reactions, LC3 conjugates to the sequestering membrane and controls the elongation of phagophores. As the phagophore expands, cytoplasmic constituents, including organelles such as mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum, aggregated proteins, and foreign organisms (bacteria and virus) are enwrapped.

At the end of elongation, sequestering membrane closes and results in the formation of a double-membrane vesicle, autophagosome. Once the autophagosome is formed, it is delivered to fuse with a lysosome to form an autolysosome for degradation. Lysosomal hydrolases degrade the cargo together with the inner membrane of the autophagosome, and LC3 from the outer membranes well as the autophagy-derived nutrients are recycled. This autophagic process can act as a mechanism to keep homeostatic balance and support cell survival. However, it can also cause cell death directly or indirectly which is the way to cure disease.

Furthermore, autophagy is not only responsible for the clearance of abnormal proteins and organelles but also participates in the removal of infectious agents, including bacteria and viruses from host cells. 

I truly put my heart & soul into this book along with some extensive research and first-hand experience. Fasting gave me back a piece of myself I thought was gone forever.

Autophagy fasting helped me to love my figure again by helping me to lose weight fast. Fasting gave me another opportunity to live a better life, make healthier and safer choices as well as reverse the damage I did to my own body.

Activating autophagy is a spiritual act, it allowed me to use a capacity of my brain many doctors say is impossible!

Autophagy is to the body as a self-cleaning button is to an oven.

Over time so much toxic grout builds up and starts attacking our internal organs until we take the first step in understanding how the body heals itself and repairs itself through autophagy fasting. let it all sink in, try it for yourself & thank me later!

Do you need to take a self-love journey to rescue the spirit trapped within you? Only she can activate autophagy ladies so that you may lose weight fast.

Natural Health Consultant Shamara Daniels, owner of Invigorating Miracles LLC
Take a self-love journey