Fasting enhances mental acuity once you get through toxic cell withdrawl:

- Perhaps the most instructive testimony as to the acuteness of mental powers during fasting comes from Doctor Herbert Shelton who supervised over 40,000 people within a period of fifty years. His message was loud and clear but not everybody heard it or could begin to comprehend it. The less toxicity flowing throughout the lymphatic system the clearer the ability to think.
- Large amounts of blood, as well as nervous energy, have to be sent to the digestive organs just to digest one meal. If they are not required for digesting meals they can be utilized by the brain to think more clearly. The increase in mental acuity doesn’t just happen right away you have to be a couple of days into a fast. Intermittent fasting won’t cut it!
- Since the body is clearing out toxicity from the bloodstream you will experience depression, headaches, and various other annoying symptoms in parts of the body while the healing process is taking place. This is natural and will decrease in time as the body clears toxins from those areas. This makes it hard for a lot of people to get through the first couple of days.
- Fasting helps with emotional stability because you are no longer depending on food such as caffeine, donuts, trans fat, etc. to get you through your day. The toxic cell withdrawals from these foods are very painful.
- When you are fasting you will experience symptoms based on where you have the most toxicity build-up. The way the body works when you’re doing a reboot fast is to attack the toxins accumulated most recently. Say you’ve been dealing with acne forever but just recently started to notice back pain. Your body will go for the back pain and then address the acne.
Here is an example of what you may experience while on a 3-day reboot fast:
This is called toxic cell withdrawal and depending on the amount in the body, you may have to really be strong!

- Head/Brain- headaches, dizziness, vertigo, wooziness, lightheadedness
- Nose/Sinuses sneezing, runny nose, itching, stinging, postnasal drip
- Throat soreness or constriction, hoarseness, scratchiness
- Lungs chest congestion, wheezing, phlegm, discharges, foul-smelling breath
- Skin rashes, acne, pustules, excessive or abnormal sweating, strange body odor
- Stomach sour or nervous stomach, stomach cramping, belching, bad breath
- Liver sore eyes, bitter taste in the mouth, sallow complexion, pain or distention under the ribs on the right side
- Gallbladder colic, spasm, tenderness, or pain underneath the liver
- Intestines foul-smelling gas, cramping, diarrhea, spastic colon, or irritable bowel
- Kidneys low back pain, weakness, fatigue, frequent & urgent urination, strongly colored or foul-smelling urine
Do not stop fasting just read my # 1 selling Ebook “Autophagy Mountains” while taking a self-love journey:
- Learn to reverse the withdrawals of toxic overload.
- Learn to reverse premature aging from cellular damage.
- Learn how to prep your body for a 3-day reboot fast.
- Learn to break a fast safely.
- Learn how to adopt a fasting lifestyle and live longer.
- Learn how the body operates much like a machine.
- I’ll teach you how not knowing about food ingredients can cause disease in your body as well as your loved ones.
- I have so much more to discuss it gives me butterflies!! I live & breathe fasting!
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